Monday, September 26, 2011

Spelling Bee Competition!

Last Wednesday at ECC we held a spelling bee competition! All the kids participated, and competed according to their age groups, and whoever won received a month of tuition free! So pretty big incentive! The english teachers took turns choosing and reading the words (except Sam because of her Welsh accent) for kids. It was a nice way to break up the week! Here's the gym all decked out (and Cassy):

 Bora and I giving instructions to the kids:

Me reading off one of the words to Lui:

Cassy reading off some words for my class of 7-8 yr olds I teach a few times a week:

Some of the younger kid's words were just as hard as the older kids! These little kids have just amazing english skills. One of my little Stanford girls, Jenny (she's 7), won the spelling bee for that group, so on Friday her mom bought all the teachers pizza and cokes!

In other news, I have a fever and was ill this past weekend. It was quite miserable, I don't have ice so I just kept getting towels and washcloths wet and then sticking them in my freezer and then laying them over my body. I was just burning up and it was the only thing that made me feel a little better. My fever broke late Sunday night so I've been feeling much better today, just weak. Working with kids is going to be the death of me this winter!! But I'm taking my medicine, drinking fluids, and plan on being in full on vacation mode for our 3 day weekend in 4 days when we go to Busan! It's our LAST days off until New Years! Very sad but at least we're taking the opportunity to do some traveling! Ok until later!


  1. Wow! The spelling bee looks so cute and like it is a lot of fun. I feel like I would have laughed a bit if I was there. Sorry you had a fever man but way to be resourceful in a foreign country! I learned to do the same. Glad you're feeling better now. Have fun in Busan!

  2. So sorry you were not feeling well! That was really smart of your to stick those towels in the freezer! What were some of the words y'all used in the spelling bee? What was the winning word?
