Monday, September 5, 2011

Field Trip Friday!

This past week was crazy, report cards were do for each class, lesson plans for the next month on the computer, and we had phone teaching too (where we call the kids at home and ask them a bunch of questions). A lot happened too, Jemma's contract was up so a new teacher arrived this week to take her place. The new teacher is named Sam and she's also English (well actually Welsh) she's really nice and she's an actual teacher back in England so she's settling in well. On thursday night we had a going away dinner for Jemma at the Korean BBQ place (so delicious) and then went out for drinks after that, all on the director's bill! I also received care packages from home this week, really wonderful surprise, and I shared some of my twizzlers with the other teachers! So here's all my sussies:

I'm excited to hand out some of the candy as prizes, and I'm going to try to play Old Maid with one of my kindergarden classes this week! 

On Friday, we had a field trip for all the kindergarden classes to learn about Korean traditions. All the kids dressed up in the Korean Hanboks and we took buses out and learned about traditional dress, tea ceremony, bowing, games, and dance. The kids were sooooo cute, here's a few pictures from the trip:

Learning the traditional tea ceremony:

Then they played traditional games, the first being throw the arrow in the bucket:

Then kick the sparkly pom pom ball:

And finally a mixture between throwing dice/lots and a board game:

Then we all learned how to properly bow, boys first:

And then the girls turn:

Ok so every hanbok is different, and little Emily's had a red cap/hat to go with it. All throughout the day it kept moving around and sliding into her face, I was laughing really hard about it, and kept taking pictures. I tried to be discreet, but I think she caught me in the pic below. It was just so funny though!
So cute!

After learning to bow it was time to learn a traditional Korean dance! They put these weird white sleeves over their hands and kinda waved them about, as you can see in these pictures:

And then here are two videos of them dancing, the first one is the actual dance they learned, and the second is freestyle chaos dancing:

And then here are a few pictures of the outside grounds of the place:

As you can see, it's right in the middle of all these really modern buildings, so it was a very drastic new vs old scene, especially with all the kids in Hanboks. It was a really fun trip, and it was nice to get out of the classroom and do something different! Ok more posts to follow on what happened this weekend!