Thursday, September 8, 2011

My Moment of Fame in Korea!!

It's Friday morning here, and before we start our Holiday weekend here and I have even more to post about, I thought I would finish up the happenings of last weekend!

On Saturday we went to another baseball game, but this time it was packed with people! Crazy traffic getting in, because the team our team was playing is the equivalent of the Yankees back home, so they have a huge fan following. It was a lot of fun to be at a game like that, and the weather felt like a texas fall back home, so it was perfect. Here's some pictures of all of us there:
Bora, me, Cassy, Sam, and Kristin

Sam, Cassy, and I with the mascot
Oh and last time I posted about the baseball game I gave you some footage of the strange chants and dances of the cheerleaders, well this time they busted out a disco number complete with wigs and sunglasses! No videos sorry, but I do have some pictures:

Sooo very random. The game was really exciting and very close, but our team did end up losing sadly. Buuuut I came to school on Monday and one of my older students asked me if I had gone to the game, and I thought maybe he had seen me there but not said hello, so I was teasing him about being afraid of me. But he starts getting really excited and tells me he was watching the game on tv, and that's where he saw me! Apparently we were on tv a few times and for long intervals! Haha so there's my little claim to fame in Korea. I'm sure I was pretty funny looking, yelling all these Korean chants that I have no idea what they mean!
They also had a tribute to the foreign baseball players on Korean teams that night, complete with a nice cheesy video (The Calling, Where ever You Will Go song in the background playing haha). And they had fireworks, and they were so close! I love fireworks, oh and there were a few different sparkly ones I saw that I haven't seen in America before:

Anyways, after the game we went and ate some street food that's set up in tents right outside the baseball complex. They're supposed to be mimicking food tents you would find out in the country years ago, so they're very traditional in terms of food and drink. Because of this, instead of cups you get bowls to drink out of, since in the country to save money they wouldn't buy cups but just use bowls for everything. And we drank traditional fermented rice wine out of them (which has a slight yogurt taste) but is supposed to be healthy for you because of that. Minus the alcohol in it of course.

And here's a closer view of my bowl/cup:

And the rice wine we drank (also added a shot or two of soju in it):

And Cassy and I "enjoying" it haha:

In traditional Korean dining, you order a few main dishes and everyone eats off the same plate and shares, so following that we all shared a seafood pancake, which wasn't  like american pancakes but more of a chewy texture with shrimp, shellfish, and squid in it:

And yes you cut it up and eat it with chopsticks. I actually like this one, it didn't have a strong fish taste and the baby shrimp were yummy. We also ordered some sort of squid/octopus dish which was EXTREMELY spicy and I couldn't look at it for too long at a time because of the tentacles:

Om nom nom, right? Not so much! So it was a really great weekend, and now I'm so glad it's friday again and we have a 4 day weekend!!!! It's much needed, I've been sick this entire week so I need some R&R to recover. I'll be sure to let everyone know what I got up to on my holidays, have some really random fun things planned! :)


  1. Yuck and yuckier! The tentacles are gross! Did you like that rice wine? It looks like skim milk! You are so brave to try all that! The meat and potatoes on a stick look yummy! Those cheerleaders are hilarious!

  2. I like how you are the tallest person in the first picture. It makes it seem like you are tall in real life. bahahahaha
