South Korea Info

Username: whitney_charles

My status

Time in South Korea:
(which is 14 hours ahead of Texas)<--- Actually it's now 15 hours b/c of Daylight Savings Time, we don't do it in Korea!

Time in Texas:

Some more information on Incheon:

Songdo Article with Pictures
Songdo:  "Once undeveloped mudflats 40 miles southwest of Seoul, Songdo is becoming a smart urban center with an integrated network of utility, transportation, real estate and recreation systems. This manmade island, started in 2001, is a $35 billion project that will encompass 1,500 acres, house 65,000 residents and is slated for completion in 2014. Green transportation systems and underground pneumatic tubes for garbage collection are just a couple of the technologies being implemented for Songdo."
Background on Songdo ~Written in June '09 but interesting info on plans for Songdo

Pictures of Incheon and the Songdo area:

Incheon (spelled Inch'on) to the left of Seoul. 
Right below the border of North Korea.

Freedom Park (US Korean War Memorial):

Building the bridge from Incheon Airport:

Completed bridge

Map of where Songdo is located within Incheon: