About Me

What am I doing in South Korea?
I'm teaching English to kindergarden & elementary age children (4-12 yrs. old) through a company called YBM ECC! I will be teaching and living in Incheon in a part called New Songdo City. I love to travel, but have never been to this side of the world, so I thought this would be a great way to experience it. My contract with the school is for one year (my first day being August 5, 2011), so I plan to see as much as possible in that time! And my blog is so I can keep everyone back home in the loop about what I'm up to, and so I don't have to send out a million different emails!

Here's the link to learn more about the program I'm going through and the place I will be living (including about 25 pics!): Incheon: Songdo

Some of my Travel Necessities:
1. A Good Book
2. Gum & Beef Jerky
3. An Archie Comic
4. iPod

Quick Info on Me:
Name: Whitney Charles
Age: 24
Birthday: May 28
CollegeUniversity of Texas
Major: European History/German
Favorite Vacation: All of them!! But anytime I've been to Colorado, Austria & Germany; extended family cruise in the Caribbean; Croatia
Place I want to visit nextAustralia
Favorite Candy: Tootsie Roll Pops, Twizzlers, Skittles
Favorite Drink: Coffee!, Big Red
Favorite Food: My mom's Quiche, Pineapple
Favorite Holiday: Halloween
Greatest Fears: Balloons and Lightning
Favorite Book: The Historian and Harry Potter V
Favorite Movie: The Princess Bride, Any Christmas movies, When Harry Met Sally
Favorite Quote: “Live! Live the wonderful life that is in you! Let nothing be lost upon you. Be always searching for new sensations. Be afraid of nothing.” ~Oscar Wilde