Monday, September 5, 2011

Free Beer!

Yes, you heard me, free beer on Friday! The Songdo International Beer Festival is still going on here, it actually lasts until September 9th, so Cassy, Sam, and I went over there Friday night after work. It's all held outside in these tents that are set up with a main stage in the middle with tons of tables and chairs. We walked around and sample all kinds of beer and rice wine, mostly Asian made but a few European beers were there also. They have all kinds of great street food there too, it all looked and smelled so good! We decided on Cass, a South Korean beer, and for 10,000 won ($9) we got 5 big beers. I mean it was soooo cheap! So let's just say that wasn't our only round. And the beers not bad. For dinner I got a Turkish Chicken Kebab, I had no idea how much I missed eating tortillas but it was so good.
Here's my beer and kebab:

The picture is a little bright, sorry, but you get the jist. And here's a photo of what they shave the chicken off of to make the kebab:

And then this is a really common street food in Korea, they're potatoes that have been sliced very thinly in a swirl and then fried, so basically potato chips on a stick!

And then I think this is pork on a stick, could be chicken, but pork is a lot more common here so that's why I think that's what this is:

Here's a shot of the stage, when we were first walking around a Korean guy was singing on stage with the most fakely high pitched voice I've heard, it would have been a joke in the US, but they seemed to really like his voice. Anyways, he was singing 'Memory' from the Broadway show 'Cats', it was just so random and funny.

They had a ton of different singers and styles, from a jazz saxophone playing Hey Jude, to a Korean Elvis, to a pop band singing Ricky Martin.

Here's a video of the Ricky Martin song, we were all singing along at the randomness (that's Cassy and Sam in the video btw):

Needless to say it was a great time and it was across the street from my apartment! I'll have to keep a look out for other things going on there, one of the teachers told me that they had traditional Korean wrestling one time, so I hope that one comes back! That's it for tonight, I'll have to write about this past Saturday another time!

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