Monday, September 26, 2011

An Eventful Week

So a lot has once again happened this past week. We got a new English speaking teacher at our school, Dan, and.... lost him. That's right, Dan pulled a runner! His first day at work was last Thursday, so he shadowed all of us, told Bora that he could teach better than us, and then on Friday called in sick. Ya, we knew it was probably a red flag if he was already was skipping work, but we giving him the benefit of the doubt. Sam even called him to check up to make sure he didn't need anything like food or medicine. Then I come to work on Monday and Bora tells me that he's gotten and a plane and already back in Canada! I mean, really? He's going to give it one day and then just head home with his tail between his legs? Who doesn't give it AT LEAST a week or month? It takes so much effort to get all your documents together (and money!) and to apply and everything, why would you only stay one day?! Anyways, it was pretty crazy. But we already have a teacher lined up to take his place, it's someone who's already in Korea but their contract is up at their school so they'll be taking the position here. I'll let you know if they stick around!

In other news, I received a present this week from one of my students with a really sweet note! I love presents for no reason!

It's a travel bath set, so will come in handy while I'm here! I was also invited to two korean weddings this past week! The whole invitation process is a lot different here, they only pass them out 2-3 weeks ahead of time and there's no rsvp'ing or anything, you just show up or you don't. And you can bring as many people as you want! The first wedding, Robins, is this coming weekend and I can't go because I'll be in Busan! Here's her invitation:

She very nicely wrote it in English on the 2nd flap because as you can see everything else is in Korean! And then the second wedding is Amys (both Robin and Amy are Korean teachers at my school) and her's is October 8th, so I will be going to that one! I'm excited to see a traditional Korean wedding, should be interesting.

That invitation's all in Korean, so we'll have to ask Bora about when and where it is. That's it for this post, I'll make a separate one about the spelling bee!


  1. Yes!!! Love presents. And weddings are one of the best ways to experience a culture! I'm so happy you're going to one! Have fun and take lots of pictures for sure! I'm going to an Albanian wedding of one of my closest friends in the Spring and I can't wait!!! Traditional food and great!

  2. Awesome! Can't wait to hear about a traditional Korean wedding!
