Sunday, September 18, 2011


On the actual day of Chuseok (Monday September 12th) Cassy and I headed to Everland! Everland is the Korean version of Disneyworld. Getting to Everland was quite a journey. It took a long time and at some points we had no idea where we were going, but once we made it there it was so worth it! It was the first weekend of their Halloween theme, so everything there was decked out! And they were selling Halloween costumes and trinkets in all the stores to! I love Halloween so much! Here's some pictures:

They had a big Halloween parade later in the day:
Everland's like a cross between Six Flags, Disneyworld, and a Zoo. There's a big Safari ride that we went on too! You ride in a big bus through different animal habitats:

And of course you have to walk through the gift shop to exit:

They're all so close! After the Safari we found a candy shop and just had to get a few goodies! It is impossible to find gummies or candy corn here, so we had to have some:

The park is broken up into different areas of the world, so after "Africa" and the Safari, we headed into Germantown!

Not exactly your traditional German food! They also had a big Halloween maze and haunted house area:
Ah here's one of me going through a funhouse:

The European section of Everland had a massive garden that was so beautiful with tons of fountains:

Can't really see it well but it was so pretty. Let's see we rode one of the roller coasters in the American section of Everland, one part was decorated all old school 50's diners and rock 'n roll, and the other part was the old west:

Yep, Korean cowboy. Everything looked so pretty lit up one it got dark too!

And then just goofing off with all the random things in the shops:
 That hat even had a little panda poofball tail at the back of it! it was a very popular hat, we saw a lot of korean teenage boys wearing it around!And then Cassy clawing me with a giant panda paw:

It was so much fun and definitely worth the trouble it took to get out there. I bought myself some little cat ears to wear for the school Halloween party just in case I can't fine any costume stuff anywhere else. They're on little clips, and the cat ears have small pearl studs in them, they are really cute. So that was how we spent our Chuseok! Definitely not in the traditional Korean way!

1 comment:

  1. So, this post had so many fun pictures, but the only thing I that could focus on was your comment about there being no gummies. Good to know. I'm going to have to stock up when I come visit.

    And that giant panda paw is creepy. I hope you bought it.
