Sunday, August 14, 2011

The Weekend so Far...

I feel like so much has gone on this weekend so far that I needed to create a post halfway through! Friday I brought my camera to school and took some pictures of those classes:
Stanford Class: 4-6 yrs old

Jenny, Lui (my favorite!), and Sally from Stanford class

Ivy Master Class: 7-8 yrs old. Lilly (my favorite from this class, very smart)

Ivy Master class again: Whitney, Angela, & Claire

CNN-1 Class: 8-10 yrs old. Extremely quiet class, but they are all great kids.
John, Beckett (the only one that would smile for me!, Jack, & Mchelle

CNN-2 Class: 13-15 yr olds. Normally there are 6 of them but it's vacation time right now.
Matt, Rachel, & Emily

Rachel & Katrina from Stanford

Harvard Class: 4-6 yr olds. Another Kinder Class I teach.
Justin, Alina, & William

More Harvard Class: Daniel, Emily, & Jason.
Daniel is smarter than some of my 13-15 yr old kids!
So those are my Friday classes (I teach 10 on Friday) so I didn't get to take a picture of everyone, and then on Tuesday/Thursdays I have different classes/kids. Haha in one of my Reading Club classes my student decided to change her name from Dorothy (because she was being picked on) to Hermoine (as in from the Harry Potter books/movies). Except she didn't want to pronounce it correctly, she wanted me to say Her-mo-knee, even though I tried to tell her the correct pronunciation. Oh well, her name!

After my last class Friday (7:30 pm!) I went to dinner with Cassy at your basic Korean restaurant you find everywhere here, so I though I would share a picture:
So I ordered Fried Rice, and apparently it came with corn and then a salad (which is that tiny thing behind the corn, topped with kiwi dressing, they love it here). Cassy got a pork cutlet, and as you can see it also came with corn, the mini salad, and a ball of rice. And we split an order of Mandu, which are pork dumplings basically, they are very good. Everything else on the table comes automatically when you sit down, it's all free (including the water). You are bombarded by food in side dishes in Korea!

After dinner we went to WaBar for a beer, whose inside decor would not fly in the USA because it would be kinda offensive to a particular group, see if you can guess:
Haha ya, there were a lot more just 'wow' things on the other side, but I didn't feel like getting up to get a picture. Their menu has a great selection of foreign beers/wine/liquor, and then their food menu is split up into different countries and then the food from there. But it didn't look too legit to me, I dunno, I may have to try it sometime though.

Anyways, it's already time to go to the baseball game so I will have to tell you about my trip to Seoul another time!


  1. The kids are so cute! And such English names - I guess I didn't expect that. It looks like you certainly have a few characters in your classes :). The food looks really good! Can't wait to hear more about your weekend. I hope they have rest stops in that E-Mart!

  2. Mom- their parents pick english names for them when they enter the ECC, so they actually have Korean names but aren't allowed to use them here at the school. Only a few of them have Korean names that can be used at school (like Lui and Daniel) otherwise they have to be given a completely new name!

  3. And Lindsay, you have no idea. He is so chubby and his eyes barely look like they're open, and he actually listens to me! I might have to smuggle him home with me after the year is up...
