Wednesday, August 3, 2011

My Apartment

It's about 6 am here and I am wide awake (my body hasn't gotten used to the time change yet) so I figured I would write an entry about my apartment! It is literally across the street from my school, so it takes about 5 minutes to walk there, which is so wonderful. Attached to my apartment complex on the street is a drugstore/kiosk type place (think gas station without the gas), a Supermarket, 2 French named bakeries which look like they have amazing food, the Kraze Burger restaurant, and Holly's Coffee shop. Directly across the street next to the school is a Baskin Robins, my Bank, a Dry Cleaners, and a few traditional Korean restaurants. So my little block has pretty much all my basic necessities that I need.

Now for some pictures of my apartment! It's on the 2nd floor and overlooks the university park. The rest of the teachers are on the 23rd or 16th floors so they have a nice view of the ocean and the rest of the town, but my apartment is actually bigger and has newer appliances than theirs so you can't really go wrong with any of them.

Here's my bedroom area, theres a floor to ceiling window on the right but I didn't have the shade up and then there's a big closet to the left.

Here's the bedroom closet:

This is my living area/study, lots of space:

Here's another picture of the living area, there's a TV with a DVD player, and more big windows (which I should of pulled the shades up):

This is my nice big kitchen, tons and tons of cabinet space and a huge refrigerator and freezer on the far right:

My apartment is super high tech so this is the main control panel. I can set the temperature, turn on and off the lights, it's also a phone, can turn off my gas and water, has video feed of who's outside my door and video feed of the public areas of the apartment complex. It has an alarm clock and I can set timers for all of my lights. A lot of it is in English but some of it, like the important directions, are in Korean. You can see that underneath it is another thermostat that I can use on the left and then on the right are some more light switches for the main room.

Here is my microwave and oven (yes it does both!) that I haven't had the chance to use yet. All of the buttons are in Korean so I haven't figured it out yet. I just know the top left button is for oven mode and the middle one is for microwave and then the right one is for a vent. I closed my gas valve for the stove I think through my control panel so when the time comes to use that I'll open it again and hopefully not blow myself up. I'm not sure if it's supposed to be closed or open, but I figured with gas the safest bet would be for it to be closed. Bah I don't know.

Here's a closer pic of my oven and microwave buttons. If anyone speaks Korean and feels like letting me know what they say that would be great!

 Here's a clock radio that's in my kitchen, I actually found one english station on it!

Another control panel in my kitchen that I have no idea what it's for:

This is my front door, notice how my shoes are off on the tile and then I have slippers to wear in the rest of the apartment, that's how it's done in Korea!

This is my bathroom, behind the two mirrors are a bunch of shelves and notice the drain on the floor, it's for the shower. You can also see the separate bathroom slippers that are used for the bathroom.

And here's the shower head! Yes in Korea you shower just right in the middle of your bathroom and it drains into the floor! It was weird the first time but it's actually not bad, just a little weird at first.

Here's my laundry room, I've stuck my bags in here for now until I start doing laundry.

Here are two more huge closest that are in my entry way, there is more space than I know what to do with in this apartment!

Here's the view of the park from my window, sorry I took these at dusk so it's a little dark outside:

This is to the left of my window view, you can see a huge Methodist church on the other side of the park:

And then this is a look to the right, sadly it doesn't do the park justice because it's a really beautiful area on a hill:

So that's it for now, I will try to take more pictures of the complex and the surrounding area maybe this weekend but right now it's all kind of crazy busy with the new job and everything. And hopefully sometime soon I will be able to decorate my apartment a little bit so it doesn't seem so sparse!


  1. Hey Whit - this is so much fun to read about your day. You really are jumping in with both feet but you will do great. You are such a natural with kids. Your apartment looks amazing! Do you have a table and chairs to sit at? I'm so glad that your luggage made it safely. Good luck with your classes. Jellybean really misses you - he is driving me crazy! Love you and miss you! Be safe

  2. I have a desk chair to sit at but that's it for now! Once everything calms down then I'll go in search of more furniture, but since it's not a necessity right now I'm not going to worry about it! And Jellybean is extremely needy so I don't doubt he is driving you crazy! Miss you too!

  3. Thanks for all the pictures of your apartment! It looks huge! Do they have a couch there for you? Or are you supposed to buy one? How are you supposed to watch tv? Or do you even want to watch tv if it is all in korean? You should buy one of those plugs that connects your tv to your computer, and then you can pull up tv series online and watch them on your tv.

    The whole shower situation is weird. I don't know how I feel about that.

  4. There's no couch, I would have to buy one but I probably won't, because I'm just lazy like that. Maybe I'll get some big cushions for the floor or something. I actually don't have a cable for my tv yet, but there are 3 english channels on the tv I could actually watch! Next time I go to E-Mart I'll have to get the one that hooks up to the computer, that's a great idea!

  5. I wish I was as good at social media and blogs as you. Everything looks great. The no shoes in the house and wearing slippers is the exact same in Kosovo - including bathroom slippers. And the shower situation is the same here too so I know how you feel. Although your place is way nicer and more high tech. Good luck figuring it all out! Looks perfect!

  6. I figured out a lot of it already! Thanks to Google translate that is. It may of taken HOURS to do, but at least I know how to use my washing machine and kitchen appliances now!
