Wednesday, August 3, 2011

I'm in Korea!

So after many months of gathering documents, doing interviews, and just getting everything prepared, I'm finally in South Korea! I left July 31st and got in here August 1st at 6 pm. They paid for one night in a hotel for me since they were still cleaning the apartment but since then I have been in my new apartment (this is my 2nd night).

But first getting here. Packing was a nightmare! I basically got all my clothes out and put it in piles, which was a horrible idea. Because then I just sat there looking at it and moaning about it. If Lindsay and mom hadn't helped me it never would of gotten done! Here's a picture of the chaos I created:

Ya, next time I know better.

My flight left at 6 am on the 31st, so I got to the airport at 4 am, brutal. Just FYI, the airport check in desks don't open until 4:30 am, so don't bother getting there any earlier. So the goodbyes were said, the see you in a year, and I was on the plane to LA.
In LA I switched airline carriers to Asiana Airlines, so I had to re-check in. When they opened their check in desks (promptly at 10 am I might add) they all lined up in their fancy uniforms, the manger said a few words in Korean to the customers, and then they all bowed in unison. It was very impressive.
Asiana Airlines is hands down the nicest airline I've gotten to fly on. It was a two story plane, with first class on the second story and the rest of us commoners on the first. But the economy seating was SO nice. We each had our own TVs, blankets, and slippers. We got to choose from 32 different movies (all almost brand new), 6 classic movies (think alfred hitchcock, from here to eternity, etc) and then some TV shows or the radio. Then they came around with water and orange juice every 30 minutes like clockwork. We were served 3 meals and a snack, and all given the hot towels before each one. So it was kind of ridiculous. I just flew first class to Hawaii about 2 weeks ago, and it wasn't nearly as nice as economy on Asiana Airlines.

So 12 1/2 hour flight, then I landed in Incheon, South Korea. I was supposed to get on a bus and meet my school director at a stop in the city, but after 3 buses waved me a no because of my luggage I just shelled out for an airport taxi because I was worn out and wanted to just get there. The taxi took to Songdo, and I met up with Bora and her Canadian husband Ben for some Kraze Burgers and beer. Bora basically does everything at the school. She is not technically the boss of the school but she does all the legwork of a principal, director, teacher, and new people introductions. She is really really great and makes time out of her insane schedule to help out.

Then yesterday (Tue. August 2nd) I moved into the apartment and went to the ECC (the school) for the first time.  I was actually supposed to have a week training seminar in Seoul and then shadow another teacher for another week here at the school, but guess what? I taught my first class yesterday! Ya, I was a little freaked out about it but I survived the 40 minutes of the first class. The rest of the day I shadowed Matthew, the teacher whose classes I'm taking over because his contract's up, but they're short 2 teachers right now so I needed to take over one class in the afternoon. So for now in the morning I have kinder classes and then in the afternoon I have kids probably 7-10 years old. There are some summer courses just until the end of August so after that my schedule will probably change again and there will be two more teachers then also.
So today Bora and I went to the bank to set up my account so I can be paid. (yay!) And then I shadowed Jemma (Australian who teaches 3-4 yr. olds who have zero attention spans and I'm really glad I won't be taking over those classes!) and then Brandon (who taught an arts and crafts class, very fun). And then I taught 3 more classes! Ahhh! That was what was going through my mind. Bora sat in on 2 of them just in case things went wrong, but it seemed to go ok. These kids had already been to their normal school so you could tell they just didn't want to be here and didn't want to do the work. So I have a feeling these kids are going to be a little difficult and I need to come up with some creative things to do, but obviously had no notice and just got through the books today.
There are so many different classes and different books that go with each that I really have no idea what's going on with the curriculum. No ones really had time to explain it yet but I guess hopefully tomorrow that will happen since Matthew is leaving on Friday and that's when I'll take over all the classes. Talk about sink or swim. All the other teachers are really nice and try to be helpful, but their schedules are just as crazy right now. But they all say the first month is the hardest since you're just learning the system, figuring out lesson plans, and getting to know what works and what doesn't.
So then tonight I went with Cassie (one of the other teachers who just got here 2 months ago) to the GS Supermarket to buy all the necessities like plates, cups, bowls, some eggs, yogurt, frosted flakes, etc. They actually have some random american stuff like a few Campbells soups, pasta sauce, peanut butter (shocker!), ketchup, and some other random stuff. They also have twix, snickers, hersey kisses and bars, skittles, and mini tootsie pops! Really random. I am deffinately going to have to pick up some tootsie pops because they are my favorite at some point. No twizzilers or reeses peanut butter cups though sadly. Although they did randomly have candy canes, not the traditional mint ones but the frut flavored ones. Hopefully they will get the mint ones towards Christmas, that would be a nice suprise.
Ok so I have apartment pics to show but it will have to wait another night because I am exhausted and need to review possible activites for any classes I may have to teach tomorrow! (Just trying to plan a little bit ahead!)


  1. I am very jealous of your plane ride. If I am able to save up enough money to come see you, that is going to be amazing to experience!!!!

    I can't believe they just threw you in to the deep end of teaching without any training! That doesn't sound okay. Hopefully things will be better and you can have opportunities to shadow the other teachers. Worse comes to worse, I find that candy always works with students. Buy some snickers or tootsie pops and use them as rewards with the kids. You'd be surprised what they will do for a piece of candy.

  2. Ya it's been insane just teaching without any training, but luckily the other teachers (both foreign and korean) are really really helpful and nice. Otherwise I probably would have cracked under the stress by now. I am definitely going to make a little treat basket so I can hand things out as rewards, I brought them cookies the other day and they were actually quiet for a whole ten minutes while munching away on one little cookie. It's like having a puppy or something. But ten puppies.
