Thursday, June 7, 2012

Seoul Land and a Double Birthday

Last week we took our students on a field trip to Seoul Land! It's basically like a Korean Disney World. I was a little nervous taking 17 4-5 year olds to a place like that, but it ended up being a lot of fun and nothing went terribly wrong! I didn't lose anyone's kid and no one lost any arms, legs, or fingers so I'd call it a success! There was a lot of walking there though so I felt sorry for the kiddos, on their short legs they were tired after walking from the bus to the front gates! But they had a lot of fun, so it was a good trip. Here's the website for Seoul Land:
Now I have been to 2 Korean amusement parks! Ok here are some pictures I took, and a few the school took:

Right outside the park, I tried to get them to smile but they don't really do that in pictures here:

One of my favorites, he's so compact! He's like a cross between a line backer and a bowling ball. He gets up in the middle of class and will do karate chops and cartwheels. I know I should discipline him for it but it's hard when I'm laughing at him!

Jin on the merry-go-round!

Eating a picnic lunch:

Ann, the other homeroom teacher for the little guys, and I with different group shots of the kiddos:

And then 2 weeks ago was mine and Cassy's birthdays, and also her going away dinner. Here's the package I got from my family- thank you again so much! And thanks to my Grandma who sent me a surprise one, I forgot to take pictures of that one because I broke it open too quickly! Thanks again!

 Birthday cake and dinner at Boringa, a Korean BBQ restaurant here that I'm obsessed with:

Ok I know I haven't done Jeju yet, actually come to think about it a never posted about my trip to Malaysia or Japan either. It all needs to happen! My boss emailed me my confirmed airline ticket home today, I can't believe my year here is almost over! It's gone by really fast, but at the same time it seems like I haven't been home in years. Can't wait to eat sandwiches again... and of course to see my family! :)
Well I will do my best to update when I can these next 6 weeks but I have a feeling they are going to fly by and be crazy busy but I will do my best!

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