Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Heat Wave!

So not only was this the coldest winter in 50 years in Korea, but now it's the worst drought in a century with the highest temperatures in 12 years! Why is it whenever I live in a foreign country they have really weird weather patterns that year (Austria!)
Actually for us Texans it's really not that hot, but it is humid like the Houston area. And since they still haven't switched all the air cons over from the heater (my apartment building!) it gets really warm inside too!
Here's a little article for more information:

Not much else to report right now, we had birthday parties today for the kids, and instead of going to Mr. Pizza like we normally do we had it in the gym instead.

The three girls in the middle belong to my homeroom: so cute!

Eating back in the classrooms:

All the May/June birthdays:

I also had to have a root canal done this past weekend here- not fun! But luckily I found a dentist in Seoul who speaks perfect English and who actually went to school in the US for dentistry and who worked there for years before moving back to Korea. The dentist is less expensive here too- even without dental insurance! I have to go back for part 2 this weekend though. It is a 2-ride on the subway though with lots of transfers, and then 2-hours again back, boo. My whole right side of my face was numb after going to the dentist, and I made the mistake of trying to drink some water on the subway on my way back and ended up dribbling it all over myself and two other people next to me- whoops! Gotta love public transportation!

1 comment:

  1. What the heck? A root canal? Why?????? Gah. That does not sound like fun.

    The birthday pictures were really cute. Thanks for posting them! And I noticed how healthy the food was at the birthday party. Ridiculous.

    I think it is good that you are going through this heat wave in Korea so that way you can be slightly prepared for your return to the Texas summer. Blah!!!
