Saturday, April 28, 2012

Killing Time

I'm sitting here in my apartment waiting until 9 pm so I can meet up with some friends to go out in Seoul and I thought I would do a short blog post! I found some pictures my school took of the field trip we had last month. Oh I also found out that none of the foreign teachers are going on the chocolate museum field trip next Friday! So sad, I mean we get the morning off, but i still would rather go see that!

Here's two we took with the 4/5 year olds. That is Stephanie, another teacher at the school from Canada, eh!

Here I am with Michelle and Sophie helping them dress up some teddy bears. We look very serious about this.

And then we watched a 3-D movie! I drew an arrow showing myself.

Every 2 months the kids go to Mr. Pizza to celebrate birthdays. They get spaghetti for an appetizer and then pizza for the main course. My kids had red sauce everywhere after this!!

 The twins!

Ok well that's all I have time for right now. On a completely random note, I turn 25 one month from today! AHHHHH! When did I get so old? Let the quarter life crisis commence!

1 comment:

  1. Cute pictures! I love the one of them in the glasses. I can't believe you turn 25 so soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You're so old....
