Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Thanksgiving and Seoul

So even though we had to work on Thanksgiving, the foreign teachers (including Sam who's Welsh) still tried to celebrate the best we could! My supervisor actually went and bought us all turkey sandwiches from Quiznos for lunch that day, which was really nice of her! And then we all went out to dinner at a Western restaurant here that was serving turkey that day specially for Thanksgiving! And on Friday morning I skyped with the whole fam who were celebrating in Houston. So I think it was a pretty great first Thanksgiving away from home (and outside of America!)

Our thanksgiving meal (they have pretzels at this restaurant, that's what sam's holding- they're really hard to find here!)

And then the restaurant's "Christmas" decorations:

Last weekend we went out in Seoul and in one area they had decorated with Christmas lights! It was the first ones we've seen so we got really excited:

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