Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Halloween Festivities!

Ok so I have been horrible about posting to my blog this past month, I blame it on being sick for pretty much the entire month of October!  Anyways I'm determined to be healthy for the holidays so I have been eating citrus fruit like it's my job and taking all my vitamins religiously so hopefully I can enjoy myself a little more! But now let me tell you about October:

The Friday before Halloween Cassy and I made Caramel Apples!! Yummy! We had bought the caramels at one of the foreign food markets in Seoul a few weeks ago (and I kept them in my apartment, and it was SO hard not to open the bag and eat them!) but we couldn't find popsicle sticks so instead we stuck metal chopsticks in the middle! Here are our Korean style caramel apples:

Delicious! And then we watched "I Know What You Did Last Summer" on her computer. A classic.

On Saturday Sam, Cassy, and I went out in Seoul for Halloween! We threw together some costumes and went out in Hongdae, which is a University area, so there were tons of parties and halloween events going on and tons of people were in costume. it was really fun! Here's us before we left in Sam's apartment:
Cassy and I:

Sam and I:

When we first got to Hongdae we just wandered around to see what all was going on. In one of the open parks silent dance party going on, I don't know what the cool people call it, but basically it was a ton of koreans holding orange balloons, wearing the same giant black headphones, and bobbing along to whatever music they were listening to! No idea. We tried to get pictures of it but I'm not sure you can see it:

 Well you can see all the orange balloons at least. Next we went to a bar called Zen that was having a Halloween party and hung out there for awhile. They had super cheap drinks and we met some really nice girls from South Africa that were teaching in Korea also and hung out with them for awhile. Once we got tired of the music we went across the street to a huge club that seemed really popular called Club Cocoon. We had no idea what it was or the kind of music they played but once we got in there it was CRAZY. The guy that was DJ-ing was playing this crazy loud techno/house music and there were all kinds of laser and strobe lights going on, complete madness. And we were definitely the only foreigners in there. We were all kind of iffy about it because it wasn't what we were looking for but decided to stick it out because we had paid cover to get in, so we got our free drink and then started easing our way towards the stage. I tried to slowly and inconspicuously (although failed since we completely stood out) make my way towards the stage through the sea of Koreans, because there were a few people up on the stage and I thought we would have a good chance of getting up there since we were foreign. And the club was soooo crowded I wanted to be out of the madness! Haha and it actually worked! So we spent most of the night dancing and singing on the stage next to the DJ in front of a crowd of Koreans! The DJs switched halfway through the night and they played anything from the Ting-Tings to Jay-Z, it was a pretty amazing night. Ok here's some pics:

Sam and I in the crowd:

They had balloons rain down from the ceiling, confetti shooting and swirling around us like snow, and silly string type confetti bursting out all at different times throughout the night. They also threw out Halloween gummies into the crowd! Just a completely random night that I'll never forget! Ok Cassy took two videos while we were on the stage, the first one you can see glimpses of me when she goes to the side and the second one is of Sam. But mostly it's just so you can see the atmosphere of the place! This was also after the techno DJ had finished, so it's the second DJ:

Great great night. Unfortunately, I was already really sick on Saturday so staying out all night and drinking really sent me over the edge and I was dying on Sunday and Monday. Monday was our big Halloween party at school, no regular classes just Halloween activities all day and I had to call in sick! I was really really bad. Like couldn't make it from one side of my small apartment to the other bad. I was so upset that I had to miss school but there was just no way I could cut it. So sadly I will not be getting my perfect attendance bonus at the end of my contract and I missed out on the fun. Sam took a picture of my second graders though in their costumes:

Here's Harvard class acting like Zombies:

And Stanford class (all the girls were Princesses, scary):

That's my sum up of October and Halloween! And now I can't believe it's already the 2nd week of November! I forgot how fast Fall goes by. Anyways, I have to get back to work now, I'm only on lunch break, but I have more updating to do so stay tuned!

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