Thursday, October 6, 2011

Weekend in Busan: Part 2

If you haven't read my previous post about Busan, read that one first! And then come to this one, because this is what happened next!

After a fun night out on Saturday, we woke up ready to explore some  more on Sunday. We moved hostels first, and this time we were nearly on the beach! We stayed in the Haeundae Beach area, and it was a great part of the city, filled with restaurants, a few shops, tons of bars, and of course it was right on the beach! We dropped our stuff off and then walked along the beach for awhile- it was just perfect weather and so beautiful and relaxing!

 Check out the two glittery office buildings! So cool!

So we walked the length of the beach and then followed a trail that lead us eventually to a lighthouse! It was so pretty- lots of stairs though!

 You can see the little wooden path in this one:

Near the lighthouse there was an observatory and a little temple:

After our nice hike there and back we were starving! We ended up going to Outback (ok I never eat outback at home, but I have now had it 3 times in the past 2 months, but it's because they have this amazing grilled chicken mango salad!!) and of course it was completely filled with U.S. Navy boys. The table next to us literally ordered one of everything off the menu, it was ridiculous. But I guess when you're stuck with whatever grub they serve on the ship for months at a time you indulge while on shore!

Next we explored the area a bit more, got some coffee, and then decided to go see one of the famous Buddhist temples in Busan. We were all somewhat tired at the point, but I'm so glad we decided to go to the temple because it was so pretty. Here are a few pics:
 By the way, that's not a Nazi Swastika above, it actually means "good fortune" and is a symbol for the Buddha's footprints and heart and is one a lot of Buddhist doorways, entrances, and buildings in Korea.

 Giant Buddha:

Anyways the temple was very beautiful and it was interesting to see it all. After we visited the temple we headed back to our hostel and all changed and got ready to go out!
We went to dinner at a good hamburger place called Breeze Burns and then it was still somewhat early so we though we'd have a beer at a chill irish pub called The Wolfhound. Buuuut we actually ended up staying there the whole night! When we first got there the place was still pretty quiet so we sat in a corner, ordered a pitcher of beer, and played some cards. By the end of our first pitcher we had already made some friends, this time not Navy sailors but fellow english teachers in Korea! Sam went to go get us another pitcher but forgot to say what size so came back with the grandfather of beer pitchers- but no worries, Sam and I managed to finish it off! Here's a few pics from the night:
 One of the guys we hung out with, he won that shirt in one of the carnival games on the street:

Sam planking (or at least attempting to) in our booth:
 Yep, taught more people how to play Indian Poker:

 Thumb-war to decide tie breaker: new poker rules?
 Sam's the winner!

 Playing darts in the bar! The dartboard was right in the middle of the room, it was actually very dangerous,  there were many close calls that night! Sam and Jimmy from Georgia:
Slightly nervous that I'm going to hit someone:
 So it was another great night, did some more dancing because they were playing great songs from the 90s!
The next morning we woke up fairly early and sat out on a coffee shop balcony that overlooked the beach and just relaxed and enjoyed the view! Then we went and ate a big american style breakfast (so good):

Then it was time to head to the train station to go home! While waiting for the train we took some more random pictures:

Haha so it was a really great weekend, sooo much fun, and we all definitely plan on going back to Busan soon! Probably when it gets warmer again because we want to enjoy the beach!
It's already thursday night here so I'm about to meet some of the other teachers for dinner and celebrate only one more day until the weekend! I'm going to the Korean wedding saturday so I'll have to post pics about that, and then we're heading into Seoul to do some shopping and look for our Halloween costumes!!! Oh another thing good about tomorrow: It's PAY DAY!!! YAY!

So my summary after being in Korea two months: Best decision ever!

Until later!


  1. YAY!!!! I'm so glad you are having so much fun and enjoying it so much. All of your pictures and stories sound amazing. I WANT TO GO TO A BUDDHIST TEMPLE!!! So beautiful I can't even imagine what it was like. It looks great. That pitcher of beer looks amazingly large. The beach looks pretty too. Nazi symbol for Buddha throws me off a little but ok glad to hear you cleared that up. I'm also glad to hear you are eating American food every now and then so you don't have withdraws.

  2. Loved all your pictures. Glad you didn't kill anyone with the darts.

  3. Oh my gosh, these past two entries make me so insanely jealous of all your wonderful adventures. I'm so happy to hear that you are loving it all and that Buddhist temple looked gorgeous as did the lighthouse area - so cool!
