Monday, May 7, 2012


Last Saturday night we went out in Seoul in an area called Hongdae. There's a University there so just like any University area there are tons of restaurants, bars, clubs, and stores. It's one of my favorite parts of Seoul, day or night. Unfortunately it's almost a 2 hour trip in: taxi-bus-subway (transfer, transfer)-taxi-walk. But completely worth it!
Here we are waiting for the subway:

 Some bunnies for sale in the middle of the subway station:

Our matching fold-up flats (we wear them during the trip then slip on our heels once we get there):

We went to Zen Bar which has a good mix of American and Korean music and the beer is super cheap, so win win.
We made A LOT of peace signs this night (paying tribute to Korea!)

 Replenishing our water:
 Some 4 am taco bell! In Korea they have a few American restaurant chains, but the only ones we have in Songdo where I live are Starbucks, Papa Johns, and Dunkin Donuts. None of the things I eat unfortunately (ok well Starbucks yes but there are coffee shops every other store here so I go elsewhere). Chick-fil-a needs to come to Korea, chicken restaurants are almost as abundant as coffee shops here.
The streets of Hongdae. You can't see it in this picture but the streets just have garbage everywhere. They don't have public trash cans in Korea because everything has to be separated out. So i guess they think throwing it on the ground is better so the trash crew can come pick and sort it out themselves? I'm not sure what the mentality is, but the streets get so messy late at night and then it's all gone in the morning.

Random bubble man on the street. No idea what he was advertising but the bubbles were so much fun!

Trying to catch the bubbles!

Giant head sized bubble next to me!

It was a great night! Now back to the work week!