Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Christmas in Korea

I know it's nearly a month later (sorry!) but here's my post on Christmas finally!
At school we had an all day christmas party. In the morning the kids made origami christmas cards (they were definitely expert level origami, and I probably should of practiced with one before I stood up in front of the class and tried to teach them how to do it!). But the cards were really cute and I was jealous I didn't get to make one! So this all took place on Friday December 23rd:

Then each class performed a christmas song with full on choreography, so here are harvard and stanford class practicing theirs:

And then all the classes went down to the gym, performed their songs, and then Santa came to see them! One of the other teachers from a school class by dressed up in a Santa suit and gave the kids presents. They loved it!

After work that night a few of us teachers went out for drinks. I went home for maybe 30 minutes, and by the time I left my apartment again the ground was completely covered in snow! It fell so quickly! Luckily we could walk to some of the bars, but our plans for going to a Festivus party at a foreign bar across town was cancelled!

Here's Sam standing in the blizzard:

View from my apartment the morning after (Christmas Eve):

Sam and I at WA Bar:

 Me in the blizzard (I didn't even have any gloves!):

And Cassy (who later under the influence of a few beers made snow angels all the way home):

And then here's my christmas tree that was filled because of all the wonderful people back home who sent me presents:
And I have to say, Christmas is just not Christmas unless you're home with your family doing all the weird traditions that you do year after year. It was still pretty wonderful though so thank you to everyone who took the time and effort to send me all those wonderful things, it was very thoughtful and I really appreciated it. I never expected to receive so many things being half-way around the world! I was also able to skype with my family and friends back home so that was special too. Alright so that's my Christmas Holiday, next up is New Years in Malaysia!